home improvements

a whiter shade of grey

Well, this has been a long time coming. Loooooooong time. Little Betsy is the reason. See, we’ve had

50 shades of grey

Oh boy. This was finished months ago but I haven’t revisited the blog to update it. The living


The staircase is a narrow, steep death-trap. It’s also that special shade of used-to-be-white that’s just depressing. When

more floor

The floor in the living room is laminate straight over concrete. A couple of the neighbours have concrete

how to adjust a door hinge

I know, a serious post title. Whatever next? After replacing the living room floor (which I’ll post about

how does your garden grow

Considering it’s nearly October I’m very impressed with some of our garden plants. Besides a couple of permanent

wash your face in my sink

It’s DONE! We have a shiny new bathroom! It’s been completed, with new coat of paint, for weeks, but someone forgot to upload the photos and click publish. So here is your rather belated tour of the bathroom. Here is the empty room to remind you where we started from. Here’s the whole room, tiled,

Are we there yet?

The bathroom isn’t finished. I know. How long does it take? Well, we were away on holiday for

bathroom building: week two

Over the weekend we cleaned up the fine layer of dust covering everything in the house. We swept

bathroom building: week one

The bathroom building begins! Here’s how week one went. DAY 1 The plumber pulled up the floorboards, and